Safe line
Keep text and important imagery within this line to ensure it does not get cut off during trimming.
Bleed line
Extend background color or artwork to this line to avoid any white edges from the trimming process.
Do place all important content inside the green Safe Line. This ensures your images and text are fully printed on the product.
A common technique is to place image subjects and text entirely within the dotted green Safe Line and let background colors, patterns, or background imagery extend to the solid red Bleed Line. This gives you a product that is printed all the way to the edge while ensuring that the important content is not cut off.
×Do not
Do not let your image subjects and text extend past the dotted green Safe Line because they may get cut off when your product is made.
Don't leave empty space between the dotted green Safe Line and the solid blue Print Line unless you want a white border along the edge of the product.